In Conversation

Do not become irritated with the person to whom you are talking if he does not meet your expectations. Perhaps you were not sufficiently clear in expressing yourself.


When addressing someone and you do not receive a prompt answer don't complain. He is probably a stutterer; if he is not, discourtesy is a sadness in itself.


When someone does not give you the solicited information as quickly as you would like, do not become irritated. Remember that deafness can happen to anyone.


Avoid matters which are disturbing to the listener. We all have painful periods in our destiny about which we must be silent.


Refrain from asking thoughtless questions. The person who interrogates too much often offends greatly.


Cultivate courteousness with the workers of any institutions or establishment you may happen to temporarily visit. Almost always your mind is usually unconcerned in such places and ignore the problems of those serving you.


Be sincere, but avoid uncharitable frankness. On the pretext of being realistic do not try to be more honest than God, from whose Loving Authority only we receive the revelations and work of each day.


If someone hurts you with an unkind answer, be calm and wait. Maybe they have already politely answered others ninety-nine times, or perhaps they have just suffered some important loss.


Be helpful in your conversations. A good word always uplifts.


Remember that evil is never worth commenting upon.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 9.