Do Not Ruin Your Day

Your irritation will not solve any problems.


Your contrarieties will not alter the nature of things.


Your disappointments will not do the work that only time will achieve.


Your bad humor will not modify life.


Your pain will not stop the sun from shining tomorrow over the good and the bad.


Your sadness will not illuminate pathways.


Your discouragement will not edify anyone.


Your tears will not replace the sweat which you ought to employ for the benefit of your own happiness.


Your complaints, even if affectionate construed, will never increase other's sympathy for you by one ounce.


Do not ruin your day. Learn, from Divine Wisdom to forgive endlessly, so constructing and reconstructing for the Infinite Good.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 38.