Seize The Opportunity

It is not the docile companion who most needs your immediate fraternal understanding. But the one who still struggles to subdue the ferocity of wrath which lies deep inside.


It is not the person who is full of evangelical understanding that requires your most urgent attention. But the one who still has not succeeded in eliminating the viper of malice from within their heart.


It is not the friend marching peacefully along the path of goodness who will insistently solicit your care. But the one who loses himself in the thicket of discord and misunderstanding, who is without strength to return to the right path.


It is not the person who goes about his normal work that requires urgent help. But the one who did not have sufficient resources to conquer the constraining circumstances of human experience, and so fell into the dark zones of derangement.


It is very probable that, for the time being, your co-operation in paradise s completely dispensable. However, the unquestionable reality for the moment is that your place of service, learning, helping and loving is right here on Earth.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Christian Agenda. By the Spirit André Luiz. Great Britain: Allan Kardec Publishing Ltd, 1998. Chapter 46.