The Witnesses

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders." Paul (Hebrews, 12:1)

This concept of Paul of Tarsus should be given special consideration, by the student of the Gospel.

Each human existence is always an important day of struggle - a generous step toward the infinite ascension ­ and with every position taken, the individual shall always be surrounded by an enormous legion of witnesses. We are not only referring to those that form part of our own family circle, but also, above all, the friends and benefactors of each individual who observe him in the many different angles of life, from the higher spheres of the superior spirituality.

All over the world the disciple is surrounded by large clouds of spiritual witnesses that follow his every step taking note of his attitudes; because, no one accomplishes the terrestrial experience by chance without solid reasons based on love or justice.

Prior to reincarnation, generous spirits endorsed the pleadings of the repentant soul, judges acted upon the corresponding processes, friends interceded in the service of assistance, contributing to the organization of the particulars required of the redeeming struggle. Those brothers and educators thereby become permanent witnesses of the pupil, during the length of time the new task is in progress. They speak to him without words in the innermost reaches of his conscience. Fathers and sons, husbands and wives, and brothers and blood relatives of the world are protagonists in the evolutionary drama. The watchful observers, generally, remain on the other side of life.

Do as much good as possible toward your associates in the struggle, on this day, and do not forget those who accompany you, in spirit, truly preoccupied and lovingly.

XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 76.