To Respond
"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Paul (Colossians, 4:6)
To respond advantageously to heterogeneous intelligence requires superior qualities that the individual should make an effort to achieve.
Not all the arguments can be directed indistinctly to the collectivity of comrades that strive among themselves in the evolving and redeeming tasks. It is necessary to refute each one with certainty. To the one that works in the country, we should not respond with references to the spectacular activities of the city. To the person that discusses the roughness of his own individual path, we should not reply with highly scientific remarks.
First of all, it is imperative not to be disagreeable to the listener, tempering the verbal attitude with legitimate comprehension of the problems in life. It would be considered as our duty to make a contribution, so that those who have deviated from simplicity and usefulness can be readjusted.
Every response in an important matter is a remedy. It is indispensable to temper the proper dose aiming at the effects. Each individual will tolerate and benefit from the proper dynamism. The very solution of truth and love in themselves should not be given without observing the same criteria. If applied in inadequate proportions, the truth could destroy, as often as, love commonly loses.
Even though you are questioned by the greatest evildoer, you should maintain a pleasant and dignified manner, in order to be clear and informative. Knowing how to respond is a virtue from the sphere of celestial wisdom. For your own good, do not forget the best method of caring for each individual.
XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 77.