The "but" and the Disciples
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Paul (Philippians, 4:13)
The dedicated disciple affirms:
"I possess nothing of my own that is good, but Jesus will provide the resources according to my needs."
"I do not have the perfect knowledge of the road, but Jesus will guide me."
The lazy student declares:
"I do not doubt the kindness of Jesus, but I do not have the strength to fulfill the Christian task."
"I know that the road remains in Jesus, but the world does not permit me to follow Him."
The first one skids the mountain of decision. He identifies his personal weaknesses; meanwhile, he is confident in the Divine Friend and deliberates in following his lessons.
The second one enjoys the rest in the valley embedded in inferior experience. He is aware of the blessings that the Master conferred to him; however, he prefers to slip away from them.
The first fixed his mind in the Divine Light and continues forward. The second halted his thoughts on his own limitations.
The "but" is the conjunction that in verbal processes usually defines our intimate position concerning the Gospel. Situated in front of the Sacred Name, it expresses firmness and confidence, faith and valor; although, when localized after him it places us in indecision and uselessness, impermeability and indifference.
Only three letters denounce our route.
"Thus, my principles recommend, but Jesus asks for something else."
"It is thus that Jesus suggests, but I cannot do it."
Through one simple and small word we profess the faith or confess our inefficiency.
Remember that Paul of Tarsus, nonetheless, after being pursued and beaten, still victoriously affirmed to the Philippians:
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
XAVIER, Francisco Cândido. Our Daily Bread. By the Spirit Emmanuel. Spititist Alliance for Books, 2003. Chapter 79.